Port 4.0, Smart port radars
Ports have gone through a structural and functional evolution over the past decades, and they’re vital for a well-functioning global economy. The shipping industry has experienced significant growth, but to accommodate future traffic, ports will need to become more efficient and automated.
A4R enables the transformation and digitization of maritime and land intermodal transport and mobility in the port logistics environment, through the creation of new and innovative products, services and processes that will transform ports from mere users of logistics innovations to port communities driving progress.
Take immediate action with A4R Solutions and improve port operations feeling the impact on overall resources. Some of our selected applications are:
Radar Berthing System: Disruptive solution that guarantees the safety, precision, and control of berthing for any vessel approaching port facilities by sea.
Automatic and intelligent control of ground mobility: Providing automation of the control and management of land vehicles at the accesses and the different areas of interest of the port facilities.
Security on Loading & Unloading process: Reliable detection of the presence of another crane or an obstacle to trigger stop or warning signals to the operator
Container distribution at Dock: System capable of profiling each of the container lines, obtaining data on height and arrangement between container
and container, being able to infer data on total units per line, total container units per operating crane, automatic selection of free spaces, and calculation of the number of movements per operator.
Radar Berthing System
Automatic Control of Ground Mobility
Radar Security on Loadin g & Unloading System
Collision avoidance
- FMCW Radars; ISM bands (No license required)
- Medium to Long Range (up to 400m)
- No maintenance – No recalibration
- Connected Autonomous Device (No Edge device required)
- Multitarget FMCW Radars; ISM bands (No license required)
- Medium to Long Range (up to 400m)
- No maintenance – No recalibration
- Connected Autonomous Device (No Edge device required)
- Multitarget
Predictive Maintenance Radar Sensing solution
Embedded world Exhibition&Conference
Embedded Awards Nuremberg
Best Healthcare Solution
Barcelona IOT Solutions World Congress